Specific Focus Meetings

The meetings of Nassau OA are open to anyone. Some OA members find they like to supplement meetings with other members who have similar experiences here are some helpful links.

Anorexic | Bulimic Focus

People identifying as anorexics and bulimics, or those just wondering, have a home in OA. Below are some resources for you. By following the Twelve Steps we have come to a deep level of freedom from our deadly obsessions with body weight, shape, and food obsessions that once dominated our minds and dictated the course of our lives. We learn that our eating disorders are a form of addiction, that the key to recovery is to find sobriety in our eating and exercise patterns, and that none of us can do that alone.

Young People (ages 18-30)

WELCOME! If you’re tired of being obsessed with food and body image, you’re in the right place. We are young people who have experience, strength and hope recovering from all kinds of eating insanity – bingeing, purging, restricting – or all of the above. We used to feel ashamed, irritable, and anxious because we were controlled by food. Now, we have recovered. We have found a common solution that works for us, and it is part of our recovery process to share this solution with anyone who wants it. That’s what our 12-step program is all about. 


While men make up roughly half of the human population, their numbers in Overeaters Anonymous are much below fifty percent. Visit this website for OA resources specifically for men.

People of Color (BIPOC)

If you are not BIPOC, please be a supportive ally and allow us to hold these spaces for our community. These meetings are intended to be safe spaces for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) in OA.


The link below is to LGBTQIA+ meetings.

Steps for how to access Special focus Meeting:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3