The name of this organization shall be the Nassau County Intergroup, hereinafter known as NCI
The primary purpose of Nassau County Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous is to carry the message of recovery to those with the problem of eating compulsively, by fostering the practice of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, guided by the Twelve Concepts of OA Service; and to serve and represent the OA groups from which it is formed.
Membership of NCI shall consist of the following:
Group members not acting as IRs but elected or appointed to carry out specific duties, g. PI chair.
Qualifications of eligibility for membership in the NCI:
An OA group is defined as the following:
Intergroup representatives shall be selected by the group conscience of the group they represent. Each IR shall be selected by any method deemed appropriate by their group. These IRs shall serve for a period designated by their group, always subject to recall by the group they represent. Each group shall be free to designate an alternate delegate when the necessity arises.
Virtual meetings (meetings which replicate face-to-face meetings through electronic media) may also select an intergroup representative as long as said virtual meetings:
The Intergroup Board shall conduct business, in the case of an emergency: between meetings, via email, phone or regular mail.
Section 1 – The Intergroup shall meet once per month at a time and place designated by a majority of the voting members. The NCI may hold Virtual meetings as long as it is necessary. This is mandated by the New York State . The NCI may hold Virtually or Hybrid meetings as determined by a majority of the voting members
Section 2 – Annual Meetings: An annual meeting shall be held in November for the election of IG Board Members as specified in Article IV, Section 4.
The following committees may be established as required to carry out the purposes of Intergroup in the most effective manner. Standing committees may include but not be limited to:
Public Information/Public Outreach B. Literature C.12 Step Within D Workshop, E, Other committees deemed necessary to carry on Intergroup work.
The Board shall designate special committees as are deemed necessary for the welfare and operation of the Intergroup.
The chair shall appoint a committee chair from those IRs present who meet IR qualifications. A Board member or any OA member present meeting IR qualifications may be appointed to chair a standing or special committee with approval of the majority of the members present and voting.
Each standing or special committee shall be responsible for calling and holding meetings, and establishing its method of procedures, subject to the approval of the Intergroup Board and the guidelines of the Twelve Traditions of OA.
Any committee decision and/or vote which establishes or changes a policy, sets a procedural plan for a special event, or expends funds in excess of the approved budget, shall require approval by the Intergroup prior to implementation. Each standing committee chair shall submit a written report to the Intergroup at each monthly meeting and at the end of any specific event coordinated by that committee. If any monies are expended from an approved budget, a detailed and itemized report shall be included with the committee report.
Should a vacancy, resignation, or removal of a committee chair occur, all pertinent information shall be turned over to the Intergroup chair. The chair shall then appoint a new chair for the remainder of the term.
A committee chair may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Intergroup Board. Removal is based on return to compulsive overeating and inappropriate behavior.
There shall be no accumulation of funds beyond current necessities, with retention of only a prudent reserve for contingencies. Funds in excess shall be donated to Region annually as budgeted and directed by NCI
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern NCI in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, the Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B or any special rules of order NCI may adopt.
These bylaws, with the exception of Article II, Sections, 2, 3, and 4, may not be amended at any time. Other bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the IRs and board members present at any regular or special meeting of NCI, provided a copy of the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing and received by each group affiliated with NCI at least one month prior to the meeting in which action is to be taken on the amendment.
This includes:
Upon the dissolution of NCI, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the association, the remaining assets shall be distributed according to Tradition Six, which guides us to disperse the funds only to other OA service bodies. Such distribution shall be made to the World Service Office of Overeaters Anonymous, Region 6 and/or registered OA service body.